Our Story
Our roots run deep in this area in which we live and work. Adam’s father, Richard Scardamalia, was a passionate photographer and environmental activist. His mother, Cynthia Scardamalia-Nelson, is a counselor and a strong business-minded woman always supporting local artisans in the pursuit of their dream. Adam’s Stepfather, Dr. David Nelson, is a herpetologist and retired professor of the University of South Alabama. So it’s safe to say Adam gets it honestly when it comes to his passion for his talent and respect for his environment. Adam is a graduate of the University of South Alabama with a degree in Biology and Chemistry.
After college, Adam was given the opportunity to oversee a family construction company as their contractor. With a few years of building experience he went on to start Scardamalia Builders, LLC in 2006. During this time he did major remodeling and custom home building. Being the knowledge seeker that he is, Adam went in search for a better way to get the wood he used. He knew there must be a more efficient and environmentally conscious way to obtain the materials needed for his work.
Who would have known five years later this curiosity would become his work, his passion and his way to give back to nature and to enrich our society? We have been quite old-fashioned in our thinking and practice these past ten years. Our humble beginnings taught us the true value of a dollar and the reward and sacrifice of a hard days work. We are appreciative to all the opportunities we have had and to the people who have helped us along the way we will be forever grateful. We are eager to learn new things and meet new people on our journey through our business and life.